國產混凝土賣贏台泥,關鍵手段是「管司機」 (13/7)
他們發現客戶的痛點,把心思花在交通運輸上,用「運鈔車標準」來高規格護送預拌混凝土,竟將台灣市占率從 12% 提升到 17%,擠下台泥成為龍頭。 https://finance.technews.tw/2019/07/13/gdc-concrete-business/ 用心想,用心做,凡事都有可能!
全球 3 成 VPN 業者被中資掌控,網友翻牆恐被監控 (10/7)
How to enable DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) in Firefox? (9/7)
iOS 13 將支援有線數據傳輸,背後可能是蘋果數億美元生意 (9/7)
https://ccc.technews.tw/2019/07/08/ios-13-will-support-wired-data-transfer/ 用icloud或itunes就得,點解要買條線呢?唔會成日換電話掛….
[又關蘋果事?] Hong Kong’s protesters put AirDrop to ingenious use to breach China’s Firewall (8/7)
https://qz.com/1660460/hong-kong-protesters-use-airdrop-to-breach-chinas-firewall/ 加油!香港
5G 上路,快得嚇人,問題也嚇人 ( 5/7)
https://technews.tw/2019/07/04/realworld-5g-fast-problem/ 美國四大電信商 5G 上路,最高速來到 2Gbps,相當於 4G 的 40 倍,然而背後卻有一個致命問題。 5G 是 2019~2020 年科技界最熱話題,南韓在 2019 年 4 月率先成為全球首發 5G 服務的國家,並帶動三星 5G 手機銷售,美國四大電信商目前也已經全部跟上腳步,推出自家 5G 服務,但實戰結果讓人憂喜參半…. 如果在屋企或辦公室可以用Wi-Fi Calling,速度及隱定性遠比實際5G高(因為幾乎獨享),其他室內環境跌返4G3G,如果係大型室內場所會大量佈置small cell,好似wi-fi咁。
UK ISP group names Mozilla ‘Internet Villain’ for supporting ‘DNS-over-HTTPS’ (5/7)
https://www.zdnet.com/article/uk-isp-group-names-mozilla-internet-villain-for-supporting-dns-over-https/ The trade association for internet service providers in the UK has nominated Mozilla for this year’s award of “Internet Villain” because of the browser maker’s plans to support the DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) protocol in its Firefox browser.
Network Security Firm *Untangle* Launches SD-WAN Router and Micro-Firewall (4/7)
Network security company Untangle this week debuted its Network Security Framework, which includes its new micro-firewall and an SD-WAN router. That new platform also includes Untangle’s existing Linux-based next-generation firewall and its command center, which manages network traffic from a cloud-based console.Dirk Morris, founder and chief product officer at Untangle, said the framework is a “new approach to […]
DisplayPort 2.0 發表,同時連接兩個 120Hz 8K 顯示器將成為可能 (2/7)
不再讓三星獨家?iOS 13 將加入支援香港八達通? (25/6) 順便提提大家:IOS13 develop beta2 開放下載試用!
https://flipboard.com/section/%E7%A7%91%E6%8A%80-42hsp9n1bblef1j9/%E4%B8%8D%E5%86%8D%E8%AE%93%E4%B8%89%E6%98%9F%E7%8D%A8%E5%AE%B6%EF%BC%9Fios-13-%E5%B0%87%E5%8A%A0%E5%85%A5%E6%94%AF%E6%8F%B4%E9%A6%99%E6%B8%AF%E5%85%AB%E9%81%94%E9%80%9A%EF%BC%9F/f-682943584c%2Fandroid-hk.com 終於等到了!我張 citi 百達通可以收埋了?以後 iphone 就可以百達通+applepay!!比台灣快!!!!哈哈哈